
A Love Affair With Lavender


Breathing lavender is encouraged when treating stress and anxiety. The scent of lavender can improve stress levels, improve mood, and help people feel calmer. Starting the day or ending the day with the aroma of lavender in your shower or bath can do wonders for relaxation.

Availability: 35 in stock


Breathing lavender is encouraged when treating stress and anxiety. The scent of lavender can improve stress levels, improve mood, and help people feel calmer. Starting the day or ending the day with the aroma of lavender in your shower or bath can do wonders for relaxation.

Along with providing stress relief, the smell of lavender can relieve headaches, release built-up tension, and can help manage migraine attacks. Showering with a bar of soap with organic lavender oil can help the early onset of migraine headaches.

Weight 0.120 kg
Dimensions 6 × 3 × 3 cm


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